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Statement Analysis gets to the truth.
Although I have doubts as to what Amanda Knox's actual role was, by Statement Analysis, she placed herself at the crime scene and took ownership of involvement.
The latter makes her guilty in concert.
Statement Analysis recognizes that pronouns are instinctive, exempt from the personal, internal subject dictionary of each subject. The pronoun "my" is said to indicate up to 80% of all murders.
Objection: Amanda Knox was coerced into a confession
Answer: Statement Analysis studies of POW confessions shows two things:
1. Deception within a false confession
2. Absence of "we" against the Stockholm Syndrome
1. Even within a coerced confession, Statement Analysis still shows deception and the false confession as the false confession will show a lack of experiential memory in the language. The same principles of analysis apply to false confessions.
2. Former POWs in their statements regarding their captives do not use the pronoun "we."
"We" indicates cooperation and unity. For the former POW, there is no "we" when it comes to their former captives because there is no unity between them.
Even Amanda Knox's email and interview, after conviction, have linguistic indicators of deception.
Statement Analysis shows: She was present for the murder and was involved in the assault.
Have you noticed the one thing missing over the years in all of Amanda's statements?
She doesn't say "I didn't do it" in open statements.
MILAN, Italy -- A newly released report could be harmful to Amanda Knox's appeal of her conviction for the murder of her roommate.
The document, obtained by SeattlePi.Com, was issued by Italian appeals court judges. It says Knox had a conversation with her parents while under surveillance in prison in which she said "I was there," allegedly referring to the night of the murder, according to Seattlepi.com.
The document doesn’t deal specifically with Knox’s case—it’s a sentencing report that explains why Rudy Guede was convicted of Meredith Kercher’s murder. Guede was the first person convicted for the murder of Kercher in 2007, but the sentencing report concludes he didn’t act alone. It was released by the highest Italian appeals court, which is considering Guede’s latest appeal.
It’s not the first time the “I was there,” comment has made headlines, suggesting that Knox incriminated herself during that prison conversation. Before Knox’s conviction, her parents said Amanda was referring to Raffaele’s apartment when she was overheard telling them “It would be stupid to lie about this because I know I was there.”
Knox explained the remark in the summer of 2009 when she testified in her murder trial. Knox said that she was at Raffaele’s apartment and wouldn’t lie about it . Asked Tuesday about the newly released judge’s report, a spokesman for the Knox family said “Amanda’s testimony speaks for itself.”
Statement Analysis concludes that Amanda Knox' own words place her at the crime scene and show ownership of involvement.
We have read about prosecutorial misconduct, poor investigatory skills, and lots of unfair treatment by the European press, and in spite of all these things:
Amanda Knox's own words speak for her and tell us what we need to know.
Statement Analysis gets to the truth.
The sentencing report on Guede isn’t all bad news. It says that Guede was not credible and that his stories were “full of inconsistencies,” according to SeattlePI.com. Guede waited five months before placing Knox at the murder scene.
Knox and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were convicted in December 2009 of sexually assaulting and murdering Kercher in the central Italian city of Perugia. Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison; Sollecito 25 years. Both deny wrongdoing and their appeals trial is under way.
The next appeal hearing is set for March 12.
Guede opted for a fast track trial, which was closed to the public, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. His sentence was reduced to 16 years on appeal. He’s appealing again, hoping to have his sentenced shortened further.
See Amanda's statements analyzed throughout the blog
Amanda Knox appeal hears witness was offered sex change cash for evidence. Hectic scenes in Italian appeal by two of Meredith Kercher's convicted killers as lawyers swap claims of corrupt evidence
Amanda Knox sits in Perugia's court of appeal during her appeal with Raffaele Sollecit against their convictions for murdering British flatmate Meredith Kercher in 2007. Photograph: Franco Origlia/Getty Images
The appeal by Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito against their convictions for killing British student Meredith Kercher has taken a surreal turn with two prosecution witnesses accusing a defence lawyer of offering to pay for a witness's sex change.
In a hectic session, Rudy Guede – the Ivorian already convicted for his role in the 2007 killing – started proceedings by accusing Knox and Sollecito for the first time in court of killing Kercher, prompting Knox to rise and tell the court she was "shocked and anguished" by his accusation. "He knows we were not there and were not involved," she said.
Guede was called from Viterbo jail, where he is serving 16 years, to respond to claims by a fellow inmate that he had confided that Knox and Sollecito had played no role in the murder of Kercher, whose throat was cut in the flat she shared with Knox in Perugia.
After entering the court in handcuffs and sitting 4.5 metres (15ft) from Knox, Guede read out a letter he had written to his lawyers in which he called those claims "stinking rubbish".
As well as Guede's fellow inmate, the court has previously heard from a jailed Neapolitan mafioso, Luciano Aviello, who claimed that Kercher was killed not by the Ivorian national, Knox or Sollecito but by his own brother during a burglary gone wrong.
A fellow inmate of Aviello's called by the prosecution on Monday said mafia member had told him he had been offered €70,000 (62,400) by Giulia Bongiorno, an Italian MP and lawyer defending Sollecito, to invent the story. Cosimo Zaccari – who is in jail for fraud, libel, criminal conspiracy and receiving stolen goods – said Aviello had confided that he was "contacted to create confusion in the trial".
Zaccari – who described himself as a former police informer and restaurant owner – was followed on to the stand by Alexander Ilicet, a Montenegrin who shared a cell with Aviello and claimed his cell-mate had boasted of being offered €158,000 by Bongiorno that he had planned to use for a sex change.
Francesco Maresca, a lawyer representing the Kercher family, called the statements "extremely credible" but Bongiorno said: "We are beyond the realms of the reasonable," adding: "Not even the prosecutors appear to believe this story and I will be reporting this libel."
Madison Paxton, a childhood friend of Knox's who was in court, accused the prosecution of resorting to unreliable witnesses. "Every time we are doing well in the trial they try something desperate, like caged animals," she said.
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In a hectic session, Rudy Guede – the Ivorian already convicted for his role in the 2007 killing – started proceedings by accusing Knox and Sollecito for the first time in court of killing Kercher, prompting Knox to rise and tell the court she was "shocked and anguished" by his accusation. "He knows we were not there and were not involved," she said.
Guede was called from Viterbo jail, where he is serving 16 years, to respond to claims by a fellow inmate that he had confided that Knox and Sollecito had played no role in the murder of Kercher, whose throat was cut in the flat she shared with Knox in Perugia.
After entering the court in handcuffs and sitting 4.5 metres (15ft) from Knox, Guede read out a letter he had written to his lawyers in which he called those claims "stinking rubbish".
As well as Guede's fellow inmate, the court has previously heard from a jailed Neapolitan mafioso, Luciano Aviello, who claimed that Kercher was killed not by the Ivorian national, Knox or Sollecito but by his own brother during a burglary gone wrong.
A fellow inmate of Aviello's called by the prosecution on Monday said mafia member had told him he had been offered €70,000 (62,400) by Giulia Bongiorno, an Italian MP and lawyer defending Sollecito, to invent the story. Cosimo Zaccari – who is in jail for fraud, libel, criminal conspiracy and receiving stolen goods – said Aviello had confided that he was "contacted to create confusion in the trial".
Zaccari – who described himself as a former police informer and restaurant owner – was followed on to the stand by Alexander Ilicet, a Montenegrin who shared a cell with Aviello and claimed his cell-mate had boasted of being offered €158,000 by Bongiorno that he had planned to use for a sex change.
Francesco Maresca, a lawyer representing the Kercher family, called the statements "extremely credible" but Bongiorno said: "We are beyond the realms of the reasonable," adding: "Not even the prosecutors appear to believe this story and I will be reporting this libel."
Madison Paxton, a childhood friend of Knox's who was in court, accused the prosecution of resorting to unreliable witnesses. "Every time we are doing well in the trial they try something desperate, like caged animals," she said.
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Surely, in Freudian theory, repressed contents of the unconsious are bound to return: In dreams, in slips of the tongue, in psychotic breaks. Was this a subtext for Amanda, something she took as a challenge, an invitation, or a subconscious confession to dark feelings on the part of her soon to be victim? It is a chilling thought. One wonders how large a part this may have played, this innocuous and innocent mistake on the part of poor Meredith: the failure to remove her makeup. She could not have known she was dealing with the abyss: In Amanda, she had unknowingly encountered the rim of nightmare.
From what dark shadows of her generation's exposure to mayhem did Amanda emerge? The shadows of public crime, excessive sexual images, media and technological frenzy, divorce, television violence, substance abuse and boundless ego feeding frenzy in the dizzying array of our vast national landscape, the cartoonish vast spaces of shopping malls and highways which string our states together like so many sites on the web of the internet. Throughout their teen years, the war in Iraq raged on and America's Amandas remained untouched by it : for the most part oblivious to its meanings: Or does violence creep into the collective psyche by a kind of osmosis: Is national stance transferred by degrees, until even individuals are tainted by the dilemma the homeland find itself in?
This archetypal American girl, who played soccer and made good grades and worked hard for a trip abroad: Now accused of sexual torture and throat slashing homicide of another female: One her own age and from her own relative milieu.
Earnest Jones wrote one of the greatest treatise on the Oedipal complex of the 20th century: His study of Hamlet and the violence which issued forth from a wholesome youth, bound up with a suffocating mother, in a double bind of repulsion and dependence. Can this be the realm even which produces the damning act of an Amanda Knox?
'Tis now the very witching time of night. . . when churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes forth contagion to this world. . . Now could I drink hot blood, and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on. 'Soft, now to my mother.
The trial of Amanda Knox in Perugia (Italy) still rumbles on where she and two others stand accused of murdering her housemate Meredith Kercher.
Is she the fresh-faced angel come down to earth - as her friends and family believe - or the scheming, psycho devil girl so reviled by the popular press.
(Hopefully) time will tell...
See also the entry of 18 February 2009
Amanda Knox in Court |
Kercher was found murdered in her room on November 2, 2007, with a crushed windpipe and a partially slashed throat. Police arrested three suspects, Rudy Guede of Germany, Raffaele Sollicito, an Italian student, and Amanda Knox.
Amanda Knox's role in the murder is unclear. The theory is that she participated with Sollicito in a "sex game," holding Kercher down while Guede raped her, for no other reason than getting a thrill from "experiencing extreme sensations, intense sexual relations." Knox testified that she had been smoking hashish during the evening of the murder.
Knox's DNA was found on the handle of the knife used to slash Kercher's throat. [Update: The knife in question was later proved to be Knox's kitchen knife and not the same knife used to kill Kercher.]
In October 2008, Guede was tried, convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. The current trial of Sollicito and Knox began January 16, 2009 and ended today with the jury reaching a verdict: guilty of murder.
Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison and Sollicito sentenced to 25 years in prison.
One life lost and three lives ruined is a high price to pay for getting high.
Update: Since I posted this, I have come to believe that Amanda Knox and Raffael Sollecito are innocent of the crime. See Injustice in Perugia, a site detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox and Raffael Sollecito.
According to CNN, "American college student Amanda Knox took the stand today in an Italian courtroom, defending herself against charges that she took part in the killing of her roommate two years ago. She said she was under the influence of marijuana when she spoke to police and did not realize at the time that her police interview was on the record."
After over a year and a half in prison, is that really the best she can come up with?....In response to an allegation that she killed the victim in a drug-fuelled sex game? "I was high".... And is that a herpes sore on her lip?
I was at my local coffee shop several times today (it seems to be my home away from home). It is a block away from my home and directly across from UNLV or the University of Nevada Las Vegas. It is always filled with college students.
For the “fun” of it I asked several of them this evening a simple question.
Who is Amanda Knox?
One replied that she thought she was a professional skier and the rest didn’t know.
While this was hardly a scientific sampling of the populous it did raise an interesting question for me. If her own peer group doesn’t know who she is or even why they should who else doesn’t know.
Amanda Knox is the American college student sitting in an Italian prison awaiting trial for the murder of her roommate Meredith Kercher.
Meredith Kercher wasn’t just murdered she was butchered like a farm animal and all the evidence circumstantial and forensic points directly at Amanda Knox. Or does it?
Starting off the crime scene was processed so badly it made the O.J.Simpson evidence collection look good in comparison.
The authorities point to the clasp of the bra the victim was wearing as having the DNA of both Amanda and her boyfriend on it. It is my understanding from someone close to the case that not only was that clasp not found for 40 something days but it was cross contaminated with other DNA samples.
I am not a crime scene investigator by any stretch of the imagination but I can tell you it doesn’t take 40 something days to process one small bedroom and it doesn’t take that that long to find the clasp of a bra. It’s just common sense.
To make matters worse Amanda has become to the Italian media what Casey Anthony is to our own and worse.
Before ever seeing a jury there was a book on her sex life that was released and is a national best seller.
The problem with that book is twofold.
One Amanda had no part in its writing so nothing in it can be verified as true, let alone even in the same neighborhood as true.
Yet the people of Italy think it is true and that brings up the other problem. The prosecutors are claiming Meredith’s murder was a sex game gone wrong. No one can say what that game was or just who was playing it but the game went wrong and that’s why Meredith Kercher was killed.
Now Amanda “the sex crazed killer” is known all over Italy by the name taken off her Myspace page Foxy Knoxy. It is absolutely true by the way she was called that here at home. It was a nickname given to her by friends on her soccer team that describes her style of playing soccer.
There is widespread talk of her Marijuana use and drinking. If you go to Youtube you can find a video of a very drunk Amanda recorded with her friends. You know what this proves? That she is like almost every other college student her age.
I live a block away from a college and there are three college bars within walking distance of my home and they are packed every night. So this doesn’t make her unique.
What fails to be mentioned is how she has been an Honor Roll student all her academic career right into college.
What also fails to be mentioned is how the Italian Police have who many in the know believe to be the real killer in custody yet persist in their prosecution of Amanda.
This week on Point Blank the talk show I co-host we will be introducing you to the real Amanda Knox. We will be presenting a program that is dedicated to you getting to know the girl behind the stories.
Why should you give a damn about Amanda Knox?
Because if you ever take a vacation out of the United States you could be sitting in a foreign prison for over a year waiting to prove your innocence in a system of justice that does not afford you anywhere near the same rights and privileges ours here at home does, and that is the true meaning of being a stranger in a strange land.

Sure I heard the blurbs on news programs but the story was picked up so fast by the tabloids that I lost interest in any of it fast. In addition it was not really political and I was not yet a blogger in 2007.
In the blurbs I did hear, mentioned above, I gained no real information so as to form an opinion on Knox's' innocence or guilt in the crime she was and is in retrial charged with, murder of a British Subject in Italy.

So what say you that are more in-the-know on this than obviously myself? Do you support what Coulter has to say on the matter and Knox's original conviction or do you say Knox was framed or otherwise innocent of the crime she was convicted of?
I have no dog in this fight, just seeking information and opinion.
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